About the Podcast
Welcome to the website for “Tales from the Moon,” a Moon-based, post-apocalyptic, sci-fi comedy podcast.
Life is very difficult on the Earth right now, but the human race is as tough as a year-old fruitcake. We’ll get through this, no question.
But it does make you wonder. Would this be a good time to consider moving to another planetary body? Preferably one that’s microbe-free and has plenty of elbow room so we can stay away from one another? How about that big pale one up in the sky?
If we did pack up all our stuff into a U-Haul rocket and head up to the Moon, how do you think that would turn out?
Listen to this podcast to find out what the human race will get up to hundreds of years from now on the Moon and out across the solar system.
Listen in on the Moon’s most irreverent DJ’s as they insult everyone in the solar system. Tag along with the Moon’s dustiest and most persistent private detective as he solves cases. Join the most ill tempered and argumentative ship’s crew in the solar system as the icehauler Josephine goes on a long voyage to the asteroid belt. Listen in on future online forums and reviews of everything from love to housing shares to a bad martian restaurant or just sit in as we attend an open house on a condo with a crater view, go out for a first day on the job as a crater-filler, or just try to find romance in a popular Moon night-spot.
Will they have pizza in the future? Will it be any good? Will humans ever learn to get along any better? Will love ever get any easier? Will machines take over the universe! Will they ever manage to make a Moon-Suit that doesn’t make you look like the Stay Puft Marshmellow Man?
We have the answers…
We recommend listening first to episodes 1 and 2 below as an introduction. Go to the Notes on the Podcasts page to see a fuller breakdown of what is in particular episodes and to answer some questions. Subscribe on Apple, Android, Spotify, Google, or Stitcher podcasts by clicking on the links or by clicking the subscribe link on the media player. Some vulgar language and adult situations, so no children please!
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